Saturday, December 04, 2004

FUNGI PREVENTION! (Especially for those army guys who have rots here and there . . . including myself)

Singapore's hot and humid climate is ideal environment for fungi to grow.

Fungal infections can occur on almost every part of the body - from head to toe.

"Human fungal infections are caused by microscopic species of mould and yeast," said Dr Colin Kwok, consultant dermatologist at Changi General Hospital's dermatology division.

Most of these infections are skin-deep.

"Only certain species of fungi cause infections in humans. The common fungal infections on the skin include tinea versicolor that causes 'white spots', dermatophytosis that causes ringworm, athletes' foot and nail infections and candidiasis that causes vaginal thrush and infection sin skin folds," Dr Kwok told TODAY.

The bad news is that Singapore's hot and humid climate creates an ideal environment for fungi to grow.

"Skin fungi thrive in warm and humid environments. While fungal infections account for a small percentage of a hospital's outpatient attendances, the actual figure is much higher because many skin fungal infections are treated by polyclinics and by patients," explained Mr Kwok.

Some of the common fungal infections include vaginal thrush, ringworm, athlete's foot and nail infections.

Dr Kwok said: "For most people, fungal infections of the skin tend to spread slowly, over a span of weeks or months.

The skin gets itchy or sore and the patient may have a foul-smelling discharge and may be infected with bacteria as well.

"Fungal infections are annoying and can affect our social life," added Dr Kwok.

The only way to avoid fungal infection is to practise good skin hygiene.

Dr Kwok advised: "Sweating and poor air circulation encourages fungal growth. Wearing loose clothing and frequent airing of the feet for those who spend long hours in footwear are good preventive measures. Anti-perspirants and talcum powder are useful for those who sweat easily.

"Also, practise good hygiene by not sharing towels, shoes and socks. Wear sandals in communal shower rooms as athlete's foot can be passed from shower floors."


Some common fungal infections include:

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Vaginal thrush is caused by a yeast called candida albicans.

Vaginal thrush normally manifests as vaginal itch and discharge, which is often cheese-like in appearance.

Women who are diabetic, on antibiotics, or whose immune system is weak (for instance, women who are on chemotherapy), tend to get vaginal thrush.

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Ringworm looks like incomplete rings with red, scaly edges. As they expand over the weeks, the rings enlarge.

The infection is commonly mistaken for eczema.

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This red flaky rash affects the soles or areas between the toes. Athlete' foot tend to occur in those who wear shoes for prolonged periods of time and those who feet sweat a lot.
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Fungal nail infections are not as common as skin infections.

The toe nail are affected more often than fingernails.

Nail infections tend to be patchy - in other words, not all digits of the hand or feet are affected.

It appears as a discoloured nail, especially at the side and tip.

Skin debris is found below the nail and the nail is raised.

Mild skin infections can be treated with topical anti-fungal creams.

For more extensive skin infections and in most nail infections, oral medication is required.

(The above information is provided by Dr Colin Kwok, consultant dermatologist at the Changi General Hospital's dermatology division.)


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