Saturday, December 04, 2004



Get up 15 minutes earlier.
Prepare for the morning the night before.
Avoid tight-fitting clothes
Set appointments ahead
Don’t rely on memory . . . write it down!
Make duplicated keys.
Say "NO" more often.
Set priorities in your life.
Avoid negative people.
Use time wisely.
Simplify meal times.
Always make copies of important papers.
Anticipate your needs.
Repair things that don’t work properly.
Ask for help with the jobs you dislike.
Break large tasks into bite-size proportions.
Look at problems as challenges.
Unclutter your life.
Be prepare for rain
Tickle a baby.
Pet a friendly dog / cat.
Look for a silver lining.
Say something nice to someone.
Schedule play time into every day.
Beware of the decisions you make.
Believe in yourself.
Stop saying negative things to yourself.
Visualise yourself winning.
Develop your sense of humour.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
Have goals for yourself.
Dance to a tune.
Look up at the sky.
Practice berathing slowly.
Learn to whistle to a tune.
Listen to a symphony.
Watch a ballet.
Read a story curled up in bed.
Do a brand new thing.
Stop a bad habit.
Buy yourself a flower.
Take a time to smell the flower.
Find support from others.
Ask someone to be your "Vent" partner.
Do something nice for yourself.
Work at being cheerful and optimistic.
Put safety first.
Do everything in moderation.
Pay attention to your appearance.
Strive for excellence, not perfection.
Stretch your limits a little each day.
Look at a work of art.
Plant a tree.
Practice grace under pressure.
Stand up and stretch.
Always have a Plan B.
Learn to meet your own needs.
Feed the birds.
Exercise every day.
Learn the words to a new song.
Get to work early.
Go on a picnic.
Take a different route to work.
Leave work early (with permission).
Watch a movie and eat popcorn.
Write a note to a faraway friend.
Go to s soccer game and let yourself loose.
Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight.
Remember that stress is an attitude.
Keep a journal.
Practice a monster smile.
Remember you always have options.
Have a support network: People / Places / Things.
Quit trying to "Fix" other people.
Get enough sleep.
Talk less and listen more.
Freely praise other people.
Recognise the importance of unconditional love.
Teach a kid to fly a kite.
Walk in the rain.
Say "Hello" to a stranger.
Tell a joke.
Tell someone "Have a good day".
Fold a paper aeroplane.
Play peek-a-boo with a toddler.
It is okay to learn.
Relax! You have the best of your life to live.



Make sure that your computer is installed with the latest antivirus / Internet Security software.

Apply all the latest critical security patches from your computer operating system and / or application software vendor.

Download the latest pattern files and perform a full system scan before backing up your important data on CD.

When not in use, do not leave your computer and / or your wireless router / access point on and logged on to the Internet.

Before conducting any Internet activity or downloading email each day, download and update and latest pattern files.

Be cautious of emails that come in the form of greeting cards, contain seductive photos, free software or too-good-to-be-true offers.

Before installing software from the Internet, read the end-user licence agreement (EULA) carefully to prevent installation of spyware or adware.

Delete any suspicious email from bank or online merchant that asks for credit card information, ATM pin, password, etc.

If you want to buy gifts online, use known trusted and secured Web sites.

Go through this checklist periodically and remind people around you.


If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following.

There would be:

57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western Hemisphere,
both north and south
8 would be Africans
52 would be female
48 would be male
30 would be white
70 would be non-white

70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian
89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual

6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth and all 6 would be from the USA.
80 would live in substandard housing

70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be near death
1 would be near birth
1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education
1 (yes, only1) would own computer.

When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, we realize the need for acceptance, understanding and education.

And, therefore . . .

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you can read this message you are more blessed than the over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all.

As you read this and are reminded how life is in the rest of the world, remember just how blessed you really are!


A story tells of two friends who were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey, they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other in the face.

The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand:


They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near-miss, he wrote on a stone:


The friend who had slapped him and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now, you write on a stone. Why?" The other friend replied, "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where the winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."


They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

Do not value the THINGS you have in your life, but value WHO you have in your life!

All I DON'T Want for Christmas are . . .

The Straits Times, 2 December 2004
URBAN: Pg. 15


Don't make these mistakes when thinking of a gift . . .

1. $4.99 facial cleanser
2. Entry form for a Para-Para dancing competition
3. Made-in-China Flying Horse singlet
4. Giant Ah Long-style jade-green fake peal ring
5. Ticket to The Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin wrestling match

1. Rugby - the World's Greatest Game coffee-table book
2. "Is Your IQ above 150?" self-help book
3. "Bend Me like Beckham" tell-all book by Rebecca Loos
4. My Sunny Side by Alex Ferguson
5. The Manchester City Football Yearbook

1. The Collected Works of Shakespeare
2. CD of Cole Porter's greatest hits
3. A "I Hate Singapore Idol" T-shirt
4. "How to Stop Saying Wah Lau, Kong Si Mi and Other Hokkien Phrases" handbook
5. Dinner for two at Les Amis

1. Sofa
2. Roller blades
3. McDonald's coupon that expires tomorrow
4. Space-disaster DVD box set of "Lost in Space", "Marooned" and "Armageddon"
5. Practical guide for relationships called "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, and So What the Heck Are You Doing on the Moon?"

1. 50-hours-a-week free pass to Planet Fitness
2. The Joy of Sex by Dr Alex Comfort
3. Suntan lotion
4. Ink-and-pen writing set
5. Invitation to a "Comic Books are Bad" seminar

1. Wish-you-were-here Hallmark card from Osama Bin Laden
2. Coupon for free French fries
3. The Dummies Guide to North Korean Nuclear Weapons
4. The Beatles' "Give Peace a Chance" as sung by The Dixie Chicks
5. Friendship bracelet from Saddam Hussein

1. Meat cleaver
2. Day-trip to the abattoir
3. Bak-kwa
4. The Atkins Diet food guide
5. Official invitation to royal foxhunt with Prince Charles

1. Ikea gift voucher
2. Weekend vacation getaway brochure
3. Tickets to screening of reworked and re-titled classic Hollywood film called "Citizen Cane"
4. Copy of Life!eats guide to the best makan places in Singapore
5. Martha Stewart's fun-time-in-prison book "I'm Martha, You're Not"


When kissing, make sure your eyes are closed. (You can peek a little, but nothing more!)

When you are kissing someone, make sure it is not someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend!

You may NOT eat pizza anytime before you make 0out.

If a person is a bad kisser, you may NOT stop and leave at anytime - it's rude.

A person with braces may not kiss another person who has them (hygiene reasons).

When kissing, make sure your hands are where they're allowed (they can wander sometimes, and some people don’t like that).

NEVER ask someone if they're a good kisser - you will either get a wrong answer, or the truth will hurt you, or the question might hurt them.

If you were expecting more than kissing, don't complain - you will get less the next time.

Kissing more than one person in a day can result in you not being allowed to kiss one of those people anymore.

Don’t kiss someone for the first time while you are lying in your bed.


The Straits Times, Wednesday, 24 November 2004
Mind Your Body: In the Know (Pg. 11)

That smoking causes lung cancer is bound to evoke a ho-hum reaction from Singaporeans. But seeing a terminally-ill passive smoke struggle to warn against the practice from his hospital bed gives the message a whole new meaning for Radha Basu.

Sprawled on a hospital bed, mouth wide open to fight for every breath, he looked every inch a lung cancer patient living on a borrowed time - paying the price for a lifelong addiction to nicotine.

Except that Mr Lawrence Tan (not his real name) has never been a smoker.

Passive smoking was the culprit, his doctors suspect. The 62-year-old, who is critically ill with lung cancer, spent the last four years running a smoke-filled family-owned pub.

He was diagnosed in February this year with a small-cell lung cancer, a relatively rare form of the disease that doctors say has an "even stronger correlation to smoking" than the more common large-cell variety.

Despite chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and drugs, the cancer has spread aggressively.

As he fights for his life, Mr Tan is keen to get a simple yet poignant message out from his bedside: Smoking kills.

So fierce is his determination to get this across that the former businessman agreed to an interview at his bedside at the National Cancer Centre last week, even though this meant suffering the indignity of letting a complete stranger - me - see him at his most vulnerable.

He had received an emergency blood transfusion that day. His eyes were glazed over with pain, his body was limp with fatigue and every word he uttered was a small victory of his will over the cancer choking his breath.

As a doctor monitored his pulse, he apologised for his dishevelled state. And then waited for the questions.

Did Mr Tan believe that smoking caused his condition? Silent for a while, he briefly looked away, fighting tears. Then he nodded, adding, "Smoking all the time is bad, very bad", gasping for air after every word.

Was he a regular smoker? This time, the answer was a whispered monosyllable: "No".

Did he feel that smoking should be stopped in public places like pubs, where he spent long hours almost every day in recent years?

"Def . . . definitely so" was the laboured reply.

Ironically, running the pub was something Mr Tan did for fun rather than necessity, as a post-retirement diversion, said his son, who is a 32-year-old banker.

Mr Tan would spend at least four to five hours at the pub every day. The younger Mr Tan requested that their real names not be revealed "for business reasons", as none of the pub employees knows of their employer's condition.

Mr Tan's surgeon, Dr Koong Heng Nung - who has launched an aggressive anti-smoking campaign - is particularly angry at the plight of passive smokers. "About three in ten lung cancer patients we see are passive smokers," said Dr Koong, a senior consultant at the National Cancer Centre.

What makes Dr Koong suspect strongly that his patient's work in the pub is to blame is that Mr Tan has small-cell lung cancer. About 95 per cent of small-cell patients get the disease from cigarette smoke.

In the more common adenocarcinoma, or large-cell lung cancer, the disease is lower - at between 80 to 90 per cent, said Dr Koong.

In his seven years of seeing lung cancer patients, Dr Koong has encountered too many cases like Mr Tan's, where even the best possible treatment ends up short against a disease determined to reap a deadly toll.

Small-cell lung cancer is one of the most vicious forms of the disease, in which, if left untreated, a patient dies within three months of getting it.

With treatment, survival rates improve to between six and sixteen months, said Dr Koong.

In Singapore, about three people die every day from lung cancer. About one in five patients has the small-cell form of the disease.

And with endless studies to prove that tobacco is the main cause, Dr Koong is convinced that giving up smoking will lead to a significant reduction in these statistics.

The surgeon was instrumental in getting November designated as the "Lung Cancer Awareness Month" and has also begun a campaign to encourage pubs here to become smoke-free, especially to protect pub employees and patrons who don't smoke.

Pubs in Ireland, New York and California have already taken such steps. Sweden and Hong Kong will soon follow suit.

"Too often, we see cases like Mr Tan's, where treatments yield little result, and prayers are our best hope," said Dr Koong.

"Curbing smoking in public places may help reduce that."

The Tan family, meanwhile, are not content with prayers alone. They are planning a trip to China to try and get Mr Tan treated with Gendicine, which doctors there are touting as the latest breakthrough in cancer treatment.

Making that journey to the land of their forefathers, they hope, will yield the "miracle cure" that has eluded them so far.

FUNGI PREVENTION! (Especially for those army guys who have rots here and there . . . including myself)

Singapore's hot and humid climate is ideal environment for fungi to grow.

Fungal infections can occur on almost every part of the body - from head to toe.

"Human fungal infections are caused by microscopic species of mould and yeast," said Dr Colin Kwok, consultant dermatologist at Changi General Hospital's dermatology division.

Most of these infections are skin-deep.

"Only certain species of fungi cause infections in humans. The common fungal infections on the skin include tinea versicolor that causes 'white spots', dermatophytosis that causes ringworm, athletes' foot and nail infections and candidiasis that causes vaginal thrush and infection sin skin folds," Dr Kwok told TODAY.

The bad news is that Singapore's hot and humid climate creates an ideal environment for fungi to grow.

"Skin fungi thrive in warm and humid environments. While fungal infections account for a small percentage of a hospital's outpatient attendances, the actual figure is much higher because many skin fungal infections are treated by polyclinics and by patients," explained Mr Kwok.

Some of the common fungal infections include vaginal thrush, ringworm, athlete's foot and nail infections.

Dr Kwok said: "For most people, fungal infections of the skin tend to spread slowly, over a span of weeks or months.

The skin gets itchy or sore and the patient may have a foul-smelling discharge and may be infected with bacteria as well.

"Fungal infections are annoying and can affect our social life," added Dr Kwok.

The only way to avoid fungal infection is to practise good skin hygiene.

Dr Kwok advised: "Sweating and poor air circulation encourages fungal growth. Wearing loose clothing and frequent airing of the feet for those who spend long hours in footwear are good preventive measures. Anti-perspirants and talcum powder are useful for those who sweat easily.

"Also, practise good hygiene by not sharing towels, shoes and socks. Wear sandals in communal shower rooms as athlete's foot can be passed from shower floors."


Some common fungal infections include:

* * *


Vaginal thrush is caused by a yeast called candida albicans.

Vaginal thrush normally manifests as vaginal itch and discharge, which is often cheese-like in appearance.

Women who are diabetic, on antibiotics, or whose immune system is weak (for instance, women who are on chemotherapy), tend to get vaginal thrush.

* * *


Ringworm looks like incomplete rings with red, scaly edges. As they expand over the weeks, the rings enlarge.

The infection is commonly mistaken for eczema.

* * *


This red flaky rash affects the soles or areas between the toes. Athlete' foot tend to occur in those who wear shoes for prolonged periods of time and those who feet sweat a lot.
* * *


Fungal nail infections are not as common as skin infections.

The toe nail are affected more often than fingernails.

Nail infections tend to be patchy - in other words, not all digits of the hand or feet are affected.

It appears as a discoloured nail, especially at the side and tip.

Skin debris is found below the nail and the nail is raised.

Mild skin infections can be treated with topical anti-fungal creams.

For more extensive skin infections and in most nail infections, oral medication is required.

(The above information is provided by Dr Colin Kwok, consultant dermatologist at the Changi General Hospital's dermatology division.)


Source: Yahoo! Groups

From: "jquandt88"
Date: Friday, 19 Nov 2004 23:53:52 - 0800
Subject: RE: Classical Piano-playing Mistakes


No matter how hard I practice a piece, I'm always making some finger slips, I hit the wrong key...I just saw an eight year old practice a piece flawlessly. I could do this when I was younger...what am I doing wrong? How do I polish a piece so I'm not stopping and starting again?

* * *


Truthfully, after several thousand performances of any particular piece, I still have never played a perfect" performance. I have come to believe that they don't really exist. (Perfect practices DO exist.)

Anyway, what I am trying to say is that what you have to get over is stopping, or even "hiccupping" when you make a mistake. Once a piece is very near performance level, begin your practice by playing the piece all the way through as if you are playing for an audience. DO NOT stop for mistakes. Make a mental note of where you need to work and GO ON! After you have played the whole thing, mark and practice the spots that need help.

Practice them a lot.....then practice them more. When you are ready to stop for the day, play the piece all the way through once again, again as if you had an audience watching you. You need to strive for perfection.....but once you are in the middle of a performance, you have to accept what comes out. Play through it, and (dare I say it?) enjoy it no matter what the outcome.

THE 90/10 PRINCIPLE by Stephen Covey

Have you read this before? Discover the 90/10 Principle. It will change your life (at least the way you react to situations). What is this principle? 10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react. What does this mean? We really have no control over 10% of what happens to us. We cannot stop the car from breaking down. The plane will be arriving late, which throws our whole schedule off. A drive may cut us off in traffic. We have no control over this 10%. The other 90% is different. You determine the other 90%. How? By your reaction. You cannot control a red light, but you can control your reaction. Don’t let people fool you. YOU can control how you react.

Let's use an example. You are eating breakfast with you family. Your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee onto your business shirt. You have no control over what just happened. What happens next will be determined by how you react. You curse. You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over. She breaks down in tears. After scolding her, you turn to your spouse and criticise her for placing the cup too close to the edge of the table. A short verbal battle follows. You storm upstairs and change your shirt. Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying to finish breakfast and get ready for school. She misses the bus. Your spouse must leave immediately for work. You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school. Because you are late, you drive 40 miles an hour in a 30mph speed limit. After a fifteen-minute delay and throwing a $60 traffic fine away, you arrive at school. Your daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye. After arriving at the office twenty minutes late, you find you have forgotten your briefcase. Your day has started terribly. As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse. You look forward to coming home. When you arrive home, you find a small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.

Why? Was it because of how you reacted in the morning? Why did you have a bad day? Was it (A) the coffee? (B) Your daughter? (C) The policeman? Or (D) you?

The answer is (D). You had no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted in those five seconds was what caused your bad day. Here is what could have and should have happened. Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently say, "Its okay honey, you just need to be more careful next time." Grabbing a towel, you rush upstairs. After grabbing a new shirt and your briefcase, you come back down in time to look through the window and see your child getting on the bus. She turns and waves. You arrive five minutes early and cheerfully greet the staff. Your boss comments on how good the day you are having.

Notice the difference? Two different scenarios. Both started the same. Both ended differently. Why? Because of how you REACTED. You really do not have control over 10% of what happens. The other 90% was determined by your reaction.

Here are some ways to apply the 90/10 principle.

If someone says something negative about you, don’t be a sponge. Let the attack roll off like water on glass. You don’t have to let the negative comment affect you! React properly and it will not ruin your day. A wrong reaction could result in losing a friend, being fired, getting stressed out etc.

How do you react if someone cuts you off in traffic? Do you lose your temper? Pound on the steering wheel? A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off because of this! Do you curse? Does your blood pressure skyrocket? Do you try and bump them? WHO CARES if you arrive ten seconds later at work? Why let the cars ruin your drive? Remember the 90/10 principle, and do not worry about it.

You are told you lost your job. Why lose sleep and get irritated? It will work out. Use your worrying energy and time into finding another job.

The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day. Why take the frustration on the flight attendant? She has no control over what is going on. Use your time to study, get to know the other passengers. Why get stressed out? It will just make things worse. Now you know the 90-10 principle. Apply it and you will be amazed at the results. You will lose nothing if you try it.

The 90/10 principle is incredible. Very few know and apply this principle. The result? Millions of people are suffering from undeserved stress, trials, problems and heartaches. There never seems to be a success in life. Bad days follow bad days. Terrible things seem to be constantly happening. There is constant stress, lack of joy, and broken relationships. Worries consume time. Anger breaks friendships and life seems dreary and is not enjoyed to the fullest. Friends are lost. Life is a bore and often seems cruel. Does this describe you? If so, do not be discouraged.

You can be different! Understand and apply the 90/10 principle. It will change your life!


Remember you are known by the idiot you accompany.

Don’t imagine that you can change a man unless he is in diapers.

What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door.

So many men - so many reasons not to sleep with any of them.

If they put a man on the moon, why can't they put them all there?

Tell him you are not his type - you have a pulse.

Never let your man's mind wander - it is too little to be let out alone.

Go for younger men - you might as well, they never mature anyway.

Men are all the same - they just have different faces so you can tell them apart.

Definition of a bachelor: a man who has missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable.

Women don’t make fools of men - most of them are the Do It Yourself types.

The best way to get a man to do something is to suggest that they are too old for it.

Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.

If you want a committed man, look in a mental hospital.

A man's idea of serious commitment is usually: "Oh alright, I'll stay the night."

Sadly, all men are created equal.

Remember that a sense of humour does not mean that you tell him jokes. It means that you laugh at his.

The main point of having a boyfriend is so that he can one day graduate to the exalted status of "former boyfriend".

There are lots of words to describe men: strong, caring, loving - they'd be wrong but you can still use them.



Stress Reliever # 1
Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why?
Hubby: When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.
Wife: You see how miraculous and powerful I am for you?
Hubby: Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, "What other problem can there be greater than this one?"

Stress Reliever # 2
Girl: When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten your burden.
Boy: It's very kind of you, darling, but I don't have any worries or troubles.
Girl: Well that's because we aren't married yet.

Stress Reliever # 3
Son: Mom, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning, he told me to give up my seat to a lady.
Mom: Well, you have done the right thing.
Son: But mum, I was sitting on daddy's lap.

Stress Reliever # 4
Wife to husband: "What's your excuse for coming home at this time of the night?"
Husband to wife: "Golfing with friends, my dear."
Wife to husband: "What? At 2am?!"
Husband to wife: "Yes, We used night clubs."

Stress Reliever # 5
A newly married man asked his wife, "Would you have married me if my father hadn't left me a fortune?"
"Honey," the woman replied sweetly, "I'd have married you NO MATTER WHO LEFT YOU A FORTUNE"

Stress Reliever # 6
Father to son after exam: "let me see your report card."
Son: "My friend just borrowed it. He wants to scare his parents."

Stress Reliever # 7
"How was your blind date?" a college student asked her roommate.
"Terrible!" the roommate answered.
"He showed up in his 1932 Rolls Royce." Wow! That's a very expensive car. What's so bad about that?"
"He was the original owner."

Stress Reliever # 9
A teacher asked her class for sentences using the word "beans" . . .
"My father grows beans," said one student.
"My father cooks beans," said another.
Then little Johnny spoke up: "We are all human beans."

Stress Reliever # 10
Interviewer to Millionaire: To whom do you owe your success as a millionaire?"
Millionaire: "I owe everything to my wife."
Interviewer: "Wow, she must be some woman. What were you before you married her?"
Millionaire: "A Billionaire"

Stress Reliever # 11
Girl to her boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be yours forever.
The guy replies: Thanks for the warning.

Stress Reliever # 12
A husband was asked: Do you talk to your wife after sex?
He replied: Depends, if I can find a phone.

Stress Reliever # 13
Man to wife on wedding night: Are you sure I'm the first man you are sleeping with?
Wife replied: Of course honey, I stayed awake with all the others!

Stress Reliever # 14
Why did they stop printing PAMELA ANDERSON stamps in the U.S.?
Answer: Because people started licking the wrong side.

Stress Reliever # 15
A wife asked her husband: What do you like most in me - my pretty face or my sexy body?
He looked at her from head to toe and replied: I like your sense of humour.

Stress Reliever # 16
Doctor to his lady patient: You look terribly weak and exhausted! Are you having your meals three times a day as I have advised?
Lady replied: Doctor, I thought you said three males a day.




In a nutshell:
_Cannot stand people who hide the truth

Basic behaviour:
_Make objectives clear
_Possess great deal of confidence
_Honest, optimistic and energetic

_Strength and endurance depend on their aim
_Give up easily if they find the job meaningless

How do they see their future and their past?
_Positive about the past, thus do not have regrets about the past
_Seek financial stability for the future

How do they express their emotions?
_Usually stable and calm
_Sensitive towards sincerity
_Give frank, direct opinions

How do they work?
_Ability to concentrate vary from time to time, depending on aim
_Mostly prefer to lead
_Can overlook details


In a nutshell:
_Pessimistic and too sensitive

Basic behaviour
_Careful about decision-making
_Make things clear in black and white
_Care too much about social rules and standards

_High tolerance for physical or repetitive work
_Cannot take changes easily
_Lose interest in a hobby easily

How do they see their future and their past?
_Try hard to forget the past
_Pessimistic about the future

How do they express their emotions?
_Able to display cool outlook even though angry
_Take longer to heal a broken heart
_Sensitive to others' opinions

How do they work?
_Handle one thing at a time
_Work a line between work and personal affairs
_Highly responsible
_Tend to choose hobbies that help them release stress


In a nutshell:
_Cannot take orders easily

Basic behaviour
_Make decisions fast
_Can be flexible
_Do not care about rules
_Respect scientific and practical findings

_Maintain the longest interest in what they do
_Seem impatient
_Dislike repetitious work

How do they see their future and their past?
_Hard to forget recent affairs, but able to forget past and memories

How they express
_Cool and objective
_Although they joke a lot, they can actually be very shy
_Change moods like the weather
_Cannot stop complaining when they are upset

How do they work?
_Creative and possess new ideas
_Cannot differentiate between work and hobby
_Cannot take orders
_Do not hesitate to introduce innovative changes and are not worried about their criticisms


In a nutshell:
_Romantic and sentimental

Basic behaviour
_Extremely practical
_Excellent in analyses
_Give fair criticisms
_Cannot decide when it comes to important issues
_Try to be hard-working

_Tend to be impatient

How do they see their future and their past?
_Sentimental about the past

How do they express their emotions?
_More concern about the immediate problems than anything else
_Usually cool and steady, but can get upset with an immediate, unsolved problem
_Can get moody easily

How do they work?
_Able to handle a wide scope of jobs
_Value hard work
_Quick in understanding
_Not highly responsible and unable to follow-up on a project until its completion
_Tend to be artistic in approach